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Zepresso Café
Zepresso Trend
Zepresso Trend Coffee Capsules
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Zepresso Café Capsules
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Zepresso Trend Coffee Capsules

COFFEE LOVER – Turn on your senses

Unlocking the unique flavours within the world's finest coffee beans begins in the roasting process. We selected the finest coffee beans originating from the best coffee-growing regions, roasted them using the traditional roasting methods, encapsulating the unique coffee taste and flavour that you can enjoy day after day. The luxurious treat for the coffee lover, our coffee selection ensures an exquisite burst of flavour with every cup. Boasting an intense blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee, they're presented in a box of 10 capsules and are also compatible with Nespresso® machines. Satisfy your needs/cravings with a choice from 5 different types of coffee.